If you want to see the Intro to the Human Design System it's here.

March 3, 2019

According to Human Design, the universe is a single living entity. Therefore we are all connected, as many spiritual systems describe. When delivered in 1987 by Ra Uru Hu, founder of Human Design, we began to think of the Big Bang theory as the combination of an egg, (the Yin), full of crystals with a seed (the Yang). At that time the ‘crystals’ shattered into zillions of aspects across the universe. Each ‘crystal’ holds this original information.

When we come into our lives, into our bodies, there is a separation of these crystals, one for the Design and one for the Personality aspects of ourselves. These details are mapped into our individual Human Designs. The Design crystal, located in our Ajna, (between the eyebrows) holds our genetic information, our physical self, what we can think of as a limousine. The Personality crystal, located in our Head (above the scalp), is who we think we are, and is intended to sit in the back of this beautifully designed car. Our minds or personality are not designed to drive, but to look out the window, be a witness and observe, realizing that this life is but a dream.We are simply held in the illusion that we are separate vehicles. Let’s remember that when we accept this concept of who we are and how we operate, we can enjoy life beyond this illusion. This is where our magic exists. www.TheInnerScoop.com

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