Your Mind - Don't let it ruin your day

When we embrace the Human Design system, we understand how the mind is designed to be used. First, let us address what the mind is not- it is not meant to drive us crazy, or others crazy. It is not meant to send us on wild goose chases, or say ‘yes’ to things that our body’s cellular intelligence doesn’t agree with. It is not meant to distract us from our intuition, inner knowing or personal power. Our mind is not meant to make us anxious, feel inundated with oppressive thoughts, or full of self-doubt. All of this unnecessary thinking can cause tremendous stress in our bodies.

This is not the master plan.

The purpose of our mind is to be a source of wisdom and an outer authority for others. The best way to express our mind has everything to do with timing. In understanding how we are designed to make choices we are more effective in being in the right place at the right time with the right people to express our wisdom and inspirations.  

Our decision making process is mapped out for us in a Human Design Bodygraph in what is referred to as our Strategy and Authority. When we practice making decisions from our unique Inner Authority -not through the strategies of mind and rational thought -we take pressure from ourselves.

The mind is made up of two centers: the Head Center, on the top of the Bodygraph, and the Ajan Center, the center just below it. The Head Center accumulates a lot of mental activity creating pressure to ask and answer questions everyday.  There is a collective pressure to know “why?”, “why are we here?” or “why do people act the way they do?”.  This constant mental pressure causes us to take action that might not be correct for our highest good and we can experience much stress in our lives. We should always return to our Strategy and Authority to best finalize decisions or take action.

The Ajna Center, the other component of the mind, is where we process information over time. We can make mental choices from our egos, fears or lack of emotional awareness, and these decisions can last a lifetime. Alternatively, we can process the mundane and inspirational thoughts that enter our Head Center, and allow the Ajna to review, research and communicate this information. This is the optimal way to use our minds.

The mind ideally is a back seat passenger, observing, questioning, inspiring the thought process, but it is not in charge of the car. When we are operating at our best, our mind is in harmony with the rest of our body. Our mind can then be free to act as a witness, observing and reflecting on all the stimulation we experience. Again, the mind is not there to make our personal decisions because it can not always be trusted.

Edgar Cayce (1877-1945) known as the Sleeping Prophet famously said,  “Mind is the builder”, indicating that our thoughts have power and can direct and create our existence - for good or for bad. We can align our minds with our hearts and tap into what many call Universal Mind, or the Source, or God. This occurs when we are grounded in our bodies, the power of the earth, and our hearts are open. Then we are functioning as a well oiled machine and can use the knowledge that Human Design affords us. We can navigate our lives with less mental stress, freeing our minds from its burdens so it can contemplate, share and build on universal truths.

As we change and grow into our future selves, we will shift from a reliance on thinking, rationalizing and weighing different options to a life navigated by our cellular intelligence. In this way we gain our true power and put our minds in their place.

And, don’t forget don’t let your mind ruin your day…

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